Conveyor Systems

NGS Industrial are a leading provider of conveyor systems and factory floor automation solutions to industries in Ireland, the UK, the US and throughout Europe. Our expertise in providing mechanical handling equipment for the movement of material from one location to another covers the design, manufacture and installation of solutions to industries where material handling and packaging is fundamental to the manufacturing process.

Our skilled engineers and application specialists will engage with you to design and develop a conveyor belt or roller process solution to meet your needs for material movement and automation.

Typical projects include design, manufacture and installation solutions for kitting and part presenting, material handling, assembly line work stations, testing units & rigs, packing & sealing and label dispensing applications.

Well-engineered conveyor systems will lead to significant power and maintenance cost savings and modular, designs that can be scaled with the operation will result in savings as future needs change and production requirements increase. Our engineers will work with you to develop the solutions that best meet your particular requirements.

Conveyor Systems Design
Belt Driven Conveyor System

Belt Conveyors

Belt conveyor systems consist of 2 pulleys, or drums, and a continuous belt onto which the products are placed and are more economical to run than most other conveyor transport systems. These conveyor systems can be used for the transport of individual products, cases or pallets over long distances at high speed and at inclines or declines. Belt conveyor systems operate with low noise and are ideal for use on a shop floor or in controlled environments.

Belt Conveyors usually have a modular design, making them flexible to changing the layout of the workplace. Belt conveyor systems are ideal when there is a need to material from one level to another because inclined belt conveyors can be incorporated into the design.

These systems can be used in production, manufacturing and warehouse environments and are durable, reliable and easy to maintain.

NGS have supplied belt conveyors to a range of industries including manufacturing, electronics and healthcare industries.

Powered Roller Conveyors

Powered roller conveyors are often used with belt conveyor systems. In the case of power roller conveyors, all the rollers are powered and rotate continuously. The rollers are connected to the drive via a belt, a chain or a line shaft. The rotation of the shaft pushes the product along the line. The electric drive unit may be PLC controlled for managed product movement.

These conveyors can be used for just about any application as long as the product being transported has a solid base.

NGS have incorporated powered roller conveyors into complex shop floor layouts with integrated draw bridge (personnel) gates, tote lifters, automated box closing & sealing, bar code scanning and more.

Systems can be complex and are likely include a number of different technologies that are combined and used with powered roller conveyors. A recent article titled Conveyor System Design Case Study gives an insight into a NGS Engineering automated production line project.


Powered Conveyor with Bridge
Conveyor Gravity Feed

Gravity Feed Conveyors

Gravity feed conveyors are one of the most common and economical material movement systems available. As the name suggests, gravity feed conveyors are not powered and rely on gravity to move the material from one location to another. The material is moved on rollers or skate-wheels which are mounted to the frame of the conveyor. These systems also may be used when material needs to be moved manually with minimal friction.

These conveyors may be designed with a shallow slope to take advantage of gravity. Gravity feed conveyors can be used to move boxes, cartons, totes or pallets. These Systems are the basis for most assembly and packaging systems, because of the simplicity and minimal maintenance required by these systems.


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